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8 posts
The Consequences of Stripping a Surgeon’s License for Live-Streaming Procedures
Opinion > Second Opinions — Can live-streaming care ever play a positive role in medicine? by Aron Solomon, JD July 22, 2023 Solomon is a legal analyst. Last week, the State Medical Board of Ohio revoked a plastic surgeon's medical license due to her live-streaming of surgical procedures on TikTok. The facts of this case
July 22, 2023
3 Potential Consequences of Ending the COVID Public Health Emergency Status
On May 11, the public health emergency (PHE) status for the COVID-19 pandemic will expire, the White House said in a statement on January 30. The novel coronavirus, what we now know as SARS-CoV-2, was first declared a PHE by the federal government in 2020 and has been renewed every 90 days since then; it was last
February 7, 2023
The aftermath of LBRY: Consequences of crypto’s ongoing regulatory process
The case of LBRY highlights a wave of renewed regulatory pressure that could affect both blockchain token-issuing companies and their investors.In November, an over year-long court battle between the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and blockchain development company LBRY and its LBRY Credits (LBC) token culminated in the ruling of the token as
January 15, 2023
Les conséquences de la pollution sur la pollinisation
La pollinisation des plantes par les insectes est un service écologique gratuit et indispensable qui contribue au maintien de la biodiversité. Elle joue un rôle économique important pour la société en étant un acteur actif dans la production de nourriture. Cependant, la pollution de l'air en milieu rural ou urbain semble réduire ce processus naturel. Pourquoi ?La…
January 30, 2022
Unintended Consequences of COVID Mask Mandates
Governments need to be careful about the messaging around compulsory mask wearing to ensure the policy is fully effective, say researchers. When officials in Bangladesh announced a legal requirement for masks to be worn outside the home, there was an associated rise in the number of journeys people made, not only to go to work…
January 10, 2022
By the numbers: The cost and consequences of the Jan. 6 riot
J. Scott Applewhite/AP/File Members of the House of Representatives gather in the chamber to vote on creation of a select committee to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, at the Capitol in Washington on June 30, 2021. January 6, 2022 Two ways to read the story Quick Read Deep Read ( 1 Min. ) By…
January 6, 2022
The intended consequences of helping nature thrive | Ryan Phelan
September 22, 2021
From a special black-footed ferret to coral that can withstand warming waters, genetic rescue efforts that use genomics and synthetic biology are helping nature thrive. But despite the huge successes of this kind of intervention, conservation innovator Ryan Phelan points out that fear of unintended consequences often stifles innovation -- risking further extinction. She makes…
Grief, and its consequences
Sep 8th 2011By BagehotFOLLOWING on from my previous blog posting, here is this week's print column:Reuse this content
September 8, 2011