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Where do cosmic rays come from? thumbnail

Where do cosmic rays come from?

An illustration shows cosmic rays launched through space by cosmic events bombarding Earth. (Image credit: Robert Lea (created with Canva)/ Earth image NASA) Earth is under constant bombardment by cosmic rays, showers of high-energy particles that blast our planet from all directions at near light speed.While this might sound like the precursor to a sci-fi
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Dark matter could be a cosmic relic from extra dimensions thumbnail

Dark matter could be a cosmic relic from extra dimensions

Home News The featured image from the American Museum of Natural History's Hayden Planetarium Space Show Dark Universe highlights one example of how pervasive dark matter might haunt our universe. In this frame from a detailed computer simulation, complex filaments of dark matter, shown in black, are strewn about the universe like spider webs, while…
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Video: a duet with a shadow, bright colors and unlike worlds in the Cosmic metroidvania trailer thumbnail

Video: a duet with a shadow, bright colors and unlike worlds in the Cosmic metroidvania trailer

Польское издательство Feardemic, принадлежащее Bloober Team, и разработчики из студии King’s Pleasure представили первый трейлер красочной метроидвании Cosmic. Игра выйдет в 2022 году на ПК (Steam), PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X и S, а также Nintendo Switch. Источник изображений: King's Pleasure События Cosmic происходят в «многослойной вселенной, где свет и тень…
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