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2 posts
Most of the Mars craters today could have once been habitable rivers
Ancient river deposits exist across Mars and can be identified by erosional landforms called fluvial ridges in satellite data. Fluvial ridges take the shape of old river deposits and help us understand the history of water on Mars. However, river deposits observed by the Mars rover Curiosity are instead exposed along steep slopes, shallow benches
October 25, 2023
Double-shadowed moon craters may be coldest place in the solar system
The moon has deep craters that sit at such an angle that even reflected sunlight doesn’t touch some areas, making them prime locations for water ice to collect Space 14 March 2022 By Jonathan O’Callaghan Shackleton crater sits at the moon’s south poleJorge Mañes Rubio. Spatial design & visualisation in collaboration with DITISHOE Some of…
March 14, 2022