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2 posts
Time Crystals Made of Light Could Soon Escape the Lab thumbnail

Time Crystals Made of Light Could Soon Escape the Lab

In many respects, scientists are much like detectives, solving mysteries by sifting through evidence in search of cluelike patterns. For example, any crystal, whether a granule of table salt or a diamond necklace, is just a bunch of atoms arranged in a repeating pattern. By glimpsing only a few of the crystal’s patterned atoms, a…
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Time crystals just got a little easier to make thumbnail

Time crystals just got a little easier to make

To make a space crystal, you need the immense pressures of the Earth’s surface bearing down on minerals and magma. But to make a time crystal, you need esoteric equations and ridiculously precise lasers. At least, that’s how physicists shaped the first self-standing time crystal in a lab last year. Now, they’ve turned into an…
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