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2 posts
Why a Subaru dealer says ‘no thanks’ to nonlocal buyers willing to pay more
Jeff Shutt and Alex Casebeer know that the fundamental strategy followed right now by their dealerships might seem a bit out of place for the times, given short inventories, outsized consumer demand for new vehicles and the financial rewards reaped from meeting that demand. Yet what Capitol Subaru of Salem and Capitol Auto Group in…
July 16, 2022
Ontario dealer CanLift steps into earthmoving with XCMG agreement
When fully up and running, CanLift will be able to offer the full line of XCMG earthmoving machines, including excavators, compactors, skid-steers, and more."We're concentrating on mini-excavators to start. We're going to be strategic about it - we're not bringing in everything they have immediately," Dragicevic said. "We're starting with the excavators and rollers, and…
February 24, 2022