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Fiscal deficit likely to be 6.6%, 0.20% less than budget estimate thumbnail

Fiscal deficit likely to be 6.6%, 0.20% less than budget estimate

India Ratings & Research (Ind-Ra) has estimated Centre’s fiscal deficit for current fiscal (2021-22 or FY 22) 20 basis points lower than budgeted number of 6.8 per cent.100 basis points mean one percent. Fiscal Deficit means expenditure is higher than revenue. Revised deficit number for FY 22 will be made public on February 1 next…
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Feds ran second-highest deficit ever in 2021: CBO thumbnail

Feds ran second-highest deficit ever in 2021: CBO

Uncle Sam ended fiscal 2021 deep in the red, the Congressional Budget Office said Friday, calculating the government ran a $2.8 trillion deficit, the second-worst on record. The COVID-19 pandemic has pried open the government’s wallet unlike anything since World War II, pushing spending even higher in 2021 than it was in 2020. But the…
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