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37 posts
Discover Busan's first Michelin-starred restaurants thumbnail

Discover Busan’s first Michelin-starred restaurants

South Korea’s most popular seaside city, Busan, is beginning to gain recognition as a culinary hotspot. This beachside metropolis of 3.5 million people is renowned nationwide for its fresh seafood and signature pork soup, dwaeji gukbap, but now, a new generation of restaurateurs are determined to put Busan on the map as a world-class fine-dining
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Scientists Discover Anomalous Rocks on the Moon thumbnail

Scientists Discover Anomalous Rocks on the Moon

Scientists have discovered anomalous rocks on the Moon with unique dust properties that change how sunlight is reflected, suggesting new geological insights and potential magnetic anomalies. The meter-high rocks discovered in the work are located near the Reiner K crater in the “Reiner Gamma” region, which has a magnetic anomaly. Credit: NASA LRO/NACA research group
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Astronomers Discover 18 New Tidal Disruption Events thumbnail

Astronomers Discover 18 New Tidal Disruption Events

A tidal disruption event occurs when a star winds up so close to a supermassive black hole that the tidal forces exceed the star’s self-gravity and shred the star; as the black hole feasts, it gives off an enormous burst of energy across the electromagnetic spectrum. Masterson et al. identified 18 new tidal disruption events
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Scientists Discover That a Mysterious Type of Fat Reprograms the Memory of Innate Immune Cells thumbnail

Scientists Discover That a Mysterious Type of Fat Reprograms the Memory of Innate Immune Cells

Researchers have uncovered a significant relationship between sphingolipids and the memory of innate immune cells. This discovery opens up new treatment possibilities for diseases where the immune system is overly active, such as autoimmune disorders and cardiovascular diseases. The team found that manipulating sphingolipids in immune cells can either inhibit or stimulate their memory, with
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Players discover Halo’s planet Reach in Starfield thumbnail

Players discover Halo’s planet Reach in Starfield

Bethesda’s space exploration RPG Starfield is one of the biggest games this year, both in scale and the sheer amount of players currently playing. As such, it’s no surprise that the game sports thousands of explorable planets, and it turns out that one of them is based on Microsoft’s popular series, Halo. Since Starfield’s release
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Researchers discover potential target for gastric cancers associated with Epstein-Barr virus thumbnail

Researchers discover potential target for gastric cancers associated with Epstein-Barr virus

Now, scientists at The Wistar Institute have discovered a potential target for gastric cancers associated with Epstein-Barr Virus; study results were published in the journal mBio. In the paper, Wistar's Tempera lab investigates the epigenetic characteristics of gastric cancer associated with the Epstein-Barr Virus: EBVaGC. In evaluating EBVaGC's epigenetics -- the series of biological signals
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Astronomers Discover Second-Ever White Dwarf Pulsar thumbnail

Astronomers Discover Second-Ever White Dwarf Pulsar

White dwarf pulsars include a rapidly spinning, burnt-out stellar remnant called a white dwarf, which lashes a companion red dwarf with powerful beams of electrical particles and radiation, causing the entire system to brighten and fade dramatically over regular intervals. This is owing to strong magnetic fields, but astronomers are unsure what causes them. A
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