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Deep Sea Diving Club to release 1st full album "Let's Go! DSDC!" thumbnail

Deep Sea Diving Club to release 1st full album “Let's Go! DSDC!”

Deep Sea Diving Clubが1stフルアルバム『Let's Go! DSDC!』を3月30日にリリースする。結成3年目にして初となるフルアルバムには、福岡でレコーディングした全16曲を収録。メンバー全員が作曲に参加している。なお、本作には2021年にリリースしたfeat.3部作「Rin音」「Michael Kaneko」「kiki vivi lily」の音源も収録。バンドの売りでもあるロック、ソウル、R&B、ジャズなど様々なジャンルをクロスオーバーさせたDSDCの名刺代わりとなる、福岡のいまのシーンの空気感をつめこんだ作品になっているという。■1st Full Album『Let's Go! DSDC!』▲『Let's Go! DSDC!』2022年3月30日(水)リリースBNCD-0009Linkfire : Let's Go! DSDC!2 CITY FLIGHT  3 SARABA4 Just Dance feat. kiki vivi lily 5 FLACTAL6 in E (inst)7 Happy Feet8 フラッシュバック’82 feat.Rin音9 Interlude (for Early Summer)10 T.G.I.F.[A LONG VACATION]11 SUNSET CHEEKS feat. Michael Kaneko12 おやすみDaydream13 lostpeople14 cinematiclove15 あくまとおどる(acoustic ver.)16 ランデブー
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Technical Diving Pioneer Tom Mount Dies Aged 83 thumbnail

Technical Diving Pioneer Tom Mount Dies Aged 83

Technical diving pioneer and founder of technical diving agency IANTD Tom Mount has died at the age of 83. A legend in the diving industry, Mount has been involved as a pioneer almost throughout his career. In 1968 he was one of the founding members of the National Association for Cave Diving – consider for…
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Scuba Diving 4 Sunken Drug Planes in the Ocean thumbnail

Scuba Diving 4 Sunken Drug Planes in the Ocean

This week’s video is from immensely popular Scuba Diving YouTuber DALLYMD. Jake (aka DALLYMD) takes a dive off the Bahamas to explore 4 different wrecks of suspected drug-running planes.  He explores the wrecks using a combination of Scuba Diving, Freediving and Snorkeling.  His videos are super addictive to watch which probably explains the 11million followers…
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