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3 posts
Scope 3 GHG Emissions About More Than Suppliers
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January 12, 2023
Will Global Emissions Plateau in 2023? Four Trends to Watch
The world’s emissions have seesawed in recent years, plunging in 2020 amid pandemic-induced lockdowns only to rebound in 2021 and likely edge even higher in 2022. Experts say 2023 could be the start of an emissions plateau, as the world’s largest emitters experience slow growth and invest more in renewable technology. But uncertainty reigns—especially on
January 6, 2023
In the race to reduce car emissions, don’t forget longevity
As countries race to reduce emissions and mitigate climate change, the debate on green vehicles often focuses on fuel efficiency and alternative fuels, such as electricity and hydrogen. A common idea is that the faster the transition is, the better it is for the environment. Now, a new study of car use in Japan shows…
September 24, 2021