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3 posts
Entirely New, Inexpensive Catalyst Speeds the Production of Oxygen From Water thumbnail

Entirely New, Inexpensive Catalyst Speeds the Production of Oxygen From Water

By David L. Chandler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology February 26, 2022 Illustration depicts an electrochemical reaction, splitting water molecules (at right, with oxygen atom in red, and two hydrogen atoms in white) into oxygen molecules (at left), taking place within the structure of the team’s metal hydroxide organic frameworks, depicted as the lattices at top…
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An Entirely Serious Review of Lexi's Play in <em>Euphoria</em> Episode 7 thumbnail

An Entirely Serious Review of Lexi’s Play in Euphoria Episode 7

Long before I saw a group of teenagers wave their arms around, simulating ejaculation on a high school auditorium's stage while "I Need a Hero" raged in the background, I was already questioning every last decaying cell in my body. I was watching—witnessing, experiencing, living?!—Our Life, the debut play from East Highland junior Lexi Howard.…
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‘It’s not entirely clear what direct even means’: CTV’s rise is not without its growing pains thumbnail

‘It’s not entirely clear what direct even means’: CTV’s rise is not without its growing pains

CTV is arguably the buzzphrase in digital media at present as advertisers that have historically reserved their major spend for the TV screen embrace its promise of enhanced targeting; that and the prevailing notion that things have to change.Although the transition won’t be without its complications as wranglings over pricing, multiple seller agreements, not to…
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