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5 posts
Barratt exchanges on High Barnet development
artist's impression of the High Barnet developmentThe High Barnet site is the second development to be unlocked by the West London Partnership, which was established between Barratt and Places for London in June 2024. Over the next decade, the West London Partnership expects to deliver more than 4,000 new homes with an estimated aggregate value
December 2, 2024
Cryptocurrency Exchanges Refuse to Freeze Russian Accounts Despite Request by Ukraine
Last week, Ukraine’s vice prime minister Mykhailo Fedorov requested major cryptocurrency exchanges to block addresses of Russian users. However, major cryptocurrency exchanges refused to sanction Russian accounts without a legal order. As the world is watching the Russia-Ukraine war, it’s clear that the west is looking to sanction Russia for its invasion in an attempt…
March 2, 2022
Exchanges de Bitcoin se unen para luchar contra la manipulación del mercado
Hechos clave: Actualmente son más de 17 plataformas y firmas de criptomonedas que conforman este grupo. Uno de los propósitos es “recortar la brecha” entre los mercados tradicionales y las criptomonedas. Un grupo de empresas y exchanges que operan en el área de bitcoin y criptomonedas han unido fuerzas con el propósito de brindar seguridad…
February 8, 2022
Crypto exchange’s Twitter gets hacked by ‘disgruntled employee’
Latoken’s Twitter account started publishing accusations of scams and mistreating employees. 3590 Total views 39 Total shares The Twitter account of the Russian crypto exchange Latoken seems to have been breached by a hacker who started posting allegations that the exchange is a scam. According to the posts, the exchange is promoting “scam IEOs” and…
January 24, 2022
Crypto exchanges continue to bid adieu to China amidst its big crypto crackdown
You are here: Home / News / Crypto exchanges continue to bid adieu to China amidst its big crypto crackdown October 1, 2021 by Sahana Kiran China has been in the news lately for its big crypto takedown. The country has time and again expressed its aversion towards the industry and the Chinese government’s recent…
September 30, 2021