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6 posts
Explaining multiple sclerosis thumbnail

Explaining multiple sclerosis

Dr. B. Mark Keegan explains the diagnosis and treatment of multiple sclerosis. Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis Step 1: Identify cardinal clinical features B. Mark Keegan, M.D., Neurology, Mayo Clinic: Multiple sclerosis is diagnosed usually by three or sometimes four steps. The first step is seeing if patients have the typical cardinal clinical features of multiple sclerosis.
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Explaining the Power of Mega Pools thumbnail

Explaining the Power of Mega Pools

Mega pools recently launched at Puzzle Swap have already proven the magic of numbers showing incredible APY for liquidity providers averaging at 400% and at times peaking above the 1500% mark. In this article, we will explain how mega pools work and what makes them special. How is this possible? Throughout the past week, our team has been getting…
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Explaining China’s surge in warplane activity in the Taiwanese ‘air defense zone’ thumbnail

Explaining China’s surge in warplane activity in the Taiwanese ‘air defense zone’

New map: Taiwanese ADIZ, FIR and territorial seas: PLAAF/PLAN flights tracks published by Taiwan's MND in orange (Sept 01 – Oct 04, 2021). @dex_eve @Ian_M_Easton @Nrg8000 @HarpiaP @RupprechtDeino @mike_mazza — CIGeography (@CIGeography) October 5, 2021 Two potentially confusing points: Some media, including Reuters, use the shortened term “air defense zone” to refer to the…
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