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4 posts

Fighting fatigue: How to sleep better and longer

Overall, incorporating these suggestions into your nightly routine can help you sleep better and longer! Getting a good night’s sleep plays a vital role in your overall health. Sleeping recharges your body and brain to help prepare and energize you for each new day. On the other hand, sleep deprivation can cause a slew of
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What is adrenal fatigue thumbnail

What is adrenal fatigue

A 40-year-old company executive and mother of two children came to me as she just felt she could no longer cope with her life. Everything had become so overwhelming that she felt unable to do even simple things, except when she forced herself. She enjoyed her job and loved her family, but since she had
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COVID Fatigue Pervasive, but Men and Women React Differently thumbnail

COVID Fatigue Pervasive, but Men and Women React Differently

Editor's note: Find the latest COVID-19 news and guidance in Medscape's Coronavirus Resource Center. Most people experience COVID fatigue a few times a week, but men and women and older and younger people have reacted differently to it, a recent WebMD poll suggests. The poll, taken from December 23-January 4, asked readers how often they…
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Fatigue, mental suffering, loss of pleasure… What if it was depression? thumbnail

Fatigue, mental suffering, loss of pleasure… What if it was depression?

Réservé aux abonnés Entre autres symptômes, l'état dépressif se caractérise notamment par la sensation d'être coupé de son entourage. Tiko - stock.adobe.comPSYCHOLOGIE - Le Dr Jean-Baptiste Alexanian, psychiatre, fait le point sur les symptômes et traitements de cette pathologie mentale grave, mais guérissable. Elle arrive insidieusement sans crier gare, peut se manifester à tous les…
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