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15 posts
Dark Matter and Galactic Collisions: Harvard Astronomers Explain the Milky Way’s Mysterious Warp thumbnail

Dark Matter and Galactic Collisions: Harvard Astronomers Explain the Milky Way’s Mysterious Warp

Harvard astronomers suggest the Milky Way’s warped shape is due to an irregular dark matter halo. This supports theories of a past galactic collision and offers insights into the nature of dark matter. Credit: Stefan Payne-Wardenaar; Magellanic Clouds: Robert Gendler/ESOAstronomers’ results bolster the hypothesis of how our galaxy evolved.The Milky Way is often depicted as
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Galactic bubbles are more complex than imagined thumbnail

Galactic bubbles are more complex than imagined

The bright X-ray bubbles at the Galactic Centre provide an opportunity to understand the effects of feedback on galaxy evolution. The shells of the eROSITA bubbles show enhanced X-ray emission over the sky background. Previously, these shells were assumed to have a single temperature component and to trace the shock-heated lower-temperature halo gas. Recently, scientists
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Is Deep Rock Galactic playable cross platform? thumbnail

Is Deep Rock Galactic playable cross platform?

Deep Rock Galactic is a co-op mining game that you can jump into with friends of other random players in a united search for the rarest minerals in the galaxy. While hooking up with friends is better, it’s hard to know which platform to get the game for so that you can play with all…
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