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Grapes: Health benefits and nutrition facts thumbnail

Grapes: Health benefits and nutrition facts

Home References Grapes have been cultivated for thousands of years and are incredibly versatile. (Image credit: Iustina Stanciu / 500px via Getty Images) Grapes are versatile fruits used in a wide range of popular foods and drinks — from raisins and jelly to wine. They are also packed with nutrients and antioxidants, and have high…
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European Wine Grapes Originated in Western Asia, Study Suggests thumbnail

European Wine Grapes Originated in Western Asia, Study Suggests

European wine grapes (Vitis vinifera) originated from the hybridization of western Asian-domesticated table grapes and local wild relatives, according to new research led by University of Udine scientists. Grapes (Vitis vinifera). Image credit: Gerhard G. “Phylogeography of cultivated grapes is linked to the history of ancient populations that settled across the Caspian Sea Basin, the…
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