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2 posts
Most of the Mars craters today could have once been habitable rivers
Ancient river deposits exist across Mars and can be identified by erosional landforms called fluvial ridges in satellite data. Fluvial ridges take the shape of old river deposits and help us understand the history of water on Mars. However, river deposits observed by the Mars rover Curiosity are instead exposed along steep slopes, shallow benches
October 25, 2023
Mars was Habitable for Methanogenic Microorganisms 3.7 Billion Years Ago, Study Suggests
The subsurface of Mars during the Noachian period was likely to have been habitable for microorganisms that feed on hydrogen and produce methane, according to new research. The young Mars would have had enough water to cover its entire surface in a liquid layer about 140 m deep, but it is more likely that the
October 10, 2022