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A Turkish harem on the Acropolis? It's most likely a Greek myth thumbnail

A Turkish harem on the Acropolis? It’s most likely a Greek myth

Credit: Fotokon/Shutterstock The Acropolis of Athens counts among the world's greatest architectural and artistic monuments. Visitors come to admire the marble buildings that testify to the glory of Ancient Greece more than two millennia ago. Typically, only little attention is paid to the site's rich medieval and Ottoman history. But one of the few stories…
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World’s End Harem Anime Suddenly Gets Postponed To January thumbnail

World’s End Harem Anime Suddenly Gets Postponed To January

Anime adaptations of popular harem manga always hit it big whenever they come out. This season’s World’s End Harem was on a similar path until it wasn’t. Continue scrolling to keep reading Click the button below to start this article in quick view.The manga was released in 2016 and has over 7 million copies in…
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