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Meet Len: The hacker with 10 implants in his body thumbnail

Meet Len: The hacker with 10 implants in his body

It sounds like something that could only exist in a science fiction novel, but one look at American hacker Len Noe proves that it’s real.Noe is one of a growing number of “transhumans” – people who implant microchips into their bodies in a bid to improve their technology capabilities.Ethical hacker Len Noe often uses social
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Electric knee implants could help treat pain of osteoarthritis thumbnail

Electric knee implants could help treat pain of osteoarthritis

A device that delivers electric current to the knees could help combat osteoarthritis, a painful condition caused by worn cartilage, after successful tests in rabbits Health 12 January 2022 By Clare Wilson Coloured X-ray of the knees of an 87-year old man with severe osteoarthritisSCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY Knee implants that generate a tiny electrical current…
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