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2 posts
Jabra headphones Black Friday deals are somehow back at Amazon
If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, we may receive an affiliate commission. Black Friday and Cyber Week were incredible this year. The savings were off the charts, and so many best-selling products plummeted to all-time low prices. Headphones were particularly popular with our readers this year,…
December 27, 2021
Jabra Elite 7 Pro, Elite 7 Active are on sale, you can enjoy limited gifts when you book
Jabra 早前發佈新一代 Elite 系列真無線藍牙耳機,對應不同用家需要,而 Jabra Elite 7 Pro 和 Elite 7 Active 即將在港公開發售,預購 Elite 7 Pro 更獲贈限量禮品。Jabra 發佈新一代 Elite 系列藍牙耳機,針對用家不同需要 Jabra Elite 7 Pro 將於 10 月 15 日正式發售,建議零售價為 HK$1,899,即日起至 10 月 10 日可於指定零售商(豐澤、百老匯、中原電器、衛訊、CSL/1010、DMA、HKTV Mall Jabra 官方旗艦店、Ideal Digital、J-Select、Let’s Go Audio、YOHO)預購,即送 Jabra 原廠無線充電板,價值 HK$320,數量有限,送完即止。Jabra Elite 7 Active 將於 10 月下旬上市,建議零售價 HK$1,599。
October 6, 2021