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Keller, US Olympic champion, pleads guilty in assault on Capitol Hill thumbnail

Keller, US Olympic champion, pleads guilty in assault on Capitol Hill

ParAFPPublié 30/09/2021 à 04:54 GMTLe champion olympique américain de natation Klete Keller a plaidé coupable mercredi d'"entrave au travail du Congrès", admettant avoir participé à l'assaut sur le Capitole, le 6 janvier. Le barème des peines pour ce délit se situe entre 21 et 27 mois de prison mais le juge chargé de prononcer la…
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Medalist Keller pleads guilty to storming Capitol

WASHINGTON -- Five-time Olympic swimming medalist Klete Keller pleaded guilty Wednesday to a felony charge for storming the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot and faces 21 to 27 months in prison.Keller acknowledged in court records that he tried to obstruct Congress' certification of President Joe Biden's Electoral College victory, brushed away officers who…
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