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2 posts
Upload a family photo, Lesti Kejora: Soon Mom and Dad will have their first grandchild, Jakarta - Lesti Kejora sedang hamil enam bulan. Selama hamil, Lesti Kejora merasa beruntung ditemani dan dikelilingi orang-orang terdekat. Yang paling dirasa berharga, yakni kehadiran orangtua beserta kakak dan adiknya. Melalui akun Instagram terverifikasinya, Lesti Kejora mengunggah foto keluarganya. Ia merangkai kata-kata yang dituliskan dalam status teks tentang pentingnya keluarga dalam menghadapi kehidupan. "Mereka…
October 3, 2021
For the Malaysian Family to work, dialogue is imperative
A nation is built not just upon the liberation of its land from occupation of foreign powers. It is built in the context of the identity, the togetherness and shared visions of its people. © New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd...
October 1, 2021