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UNC MPs knock infrastructure, healthcare in budget debate thumbnail

UNC MPs knock infrastructure, healthcare in budget debate

News Ryan Hamilton-Davis Yesterday Moruga/Tableland P Michelle Benjamin during the buget debate in Parliament on October 6. - Photo courtesy Parliament Moruga Tableland MP Michelle Benjamin said while her constituency had the worst roads in the country, and many were without a regular water supply, all that would change when the UNC comes into power.
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Anti-vaxxers knock on parliament's door, but nobody's home thumbnail

Anti-vaxxers knock on parliament’s door, but nobody’s home

coronavirus, There's a delicious irony that today anti-vaxxers began their "occupation" of Canberra - after all, it is one of the most vaccinated cities on earth. The rally, which has drawn people from across the country organisers say, intends to stay in the capital until after the first sitting of Parliament for 2022 on February…
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