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16 posts
Kraken ends its crypto-staking services for US clients following $30M SEC charge
Kraken has settled charges with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and is shutting down its on-chain staking program, the government agency shared on Thursday. The exchange, which was charged under its subsidiaries of Payward Ventures and Payward Trading, will pay $30 million in charges for “disgorgement, prejudgment interest and civil penalties.” In response
February 9, 2023
Kraken now supports deposits and withdrawals of USDC via the Solana and Tron networks!
We’re thrilled to announce that Kraken now supports deposits and withdrawals of USD Coin (USDC) on Tron and Solana, in addition to the Ethereum network! Funding is already live. You can transfer these tokens to your Kraken account by navigating to Funding, selecting USDC and the desired deposit method (network) in the drop-down box. Deposits
October 27, 2022
僵尸网络Kraken轻松骗过Windows Defender并窃取加密货币钱包数据
微软最近对Windows Defender的排除权限进行了更新,没有管理员权限就无法查看排除的文件夹和文件。这是一个重要的变化,因为威胁者往往会利用这一信息在这种被排除的目录中提供恶意软件的载荷,以绕过防御者的扫描。 然而,这可能无法阻止ZeroFox最近发现的一个名为Kraken的新僵尸网络。这是因为Kraken只是简单地将自己添加为一个排除项,而不是试图寻找排除的地方来传递有效载荷。这是一种绕过Windows Defender扫描的相对简单和有效的方法。ZeroFox已经解释了这是如何工作的。在Kraken的安装阶段,它试图将自己移到%AppData%/Microsoft.Net中。为了保持隐藏,Kraken运行以下两个命令:powershell -Command Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath %APPDATA%Microsoftattrib +S +H %APPDATA%Microsoft%ZeroFox指出,Kraken主要是一个偷窃资产的恶意软件,类似于最近发现的微软Windows 11官网外观相同的欺诈网站。这家安全公司补充说,Kraken的能力现在包括窃取与用户的加密货币钱包有关的信息,让人联想到最近的假KMSPico Windows激活器恶意软件。最近增加的功能是能够从以下位置窃取各种加密货币钱包:%AppData%Zcash%AppData%Armory%AppData%bytecoin%AppData%Electrumwallets%AppData%Ethereumkeystore%AppData%Exodusexodus.wallet%AppData%GuardaLocal Storageleveldb%AppData%atomicLocal Storageleveldb%AppData%com.liberty.jaxxIndexedDBfile__0.indexeddb.leveldb你可以在官方博客文章中找到更多关于Kraken工作方式的细节:
February 20, 2022
Kraken Daily Market Report for January 04 2022
Overview Total spot trading volume at $996.8 million, the 30 day average is $1.15 billion. Total futures notional at $194.6 million. The top traded coins were, respectively, Bitcoin (-1.3%), Tether (0%), Ethereum (+0.5%), USDC (0%), and Cosmos (+7.3%). Cosmos (+7.3%) is now up 95% in the last two weeks. January 04, 2022 $996.8M traded across all markets today Crypto, EUR, USD, JPY, CAD, GBP, CHF, AUD BTC $45859. ↓1.3% $227.1M USDT $0.9999 ↓0.02% $223.8M ETH $3785.9 ↑0.5% $176.6M…
January 5, 2022
Kraken Daily Market Report for January 03 2022
Overview Total spot trading volume at $880.1 million, the 30 day average is $1.16 billion. Total futures notional at $183.4 million. The top traded coins were, respectively, Bitcoin (-1.8%), Tether (0%), Ethereum (-1.8%), Polkadot (+1.3%), and USDC (0%). Strong returns from Synthetix (+15%), Keep (+10%), and Curve Dao (+10%). January 03, 2022 $880.1M traded across all markets today Crypto, EUR, USD, JPY, CAD, GBP, CHF, AUD BTC $46452. ↓1.8% $213.4M USDT $1.0 ↓0.02% $190.3M ETH $3763.9 ↓1.8% $148.2M…
January 4, 2022
Kraken Daily Market Report for January 02 2022
Overview Total spot trading volume at $545.5 million, the 30 day average is $1.25 billion. Total futures notional at $111.3 million. The top traded coins were, respectively, Bitcoin (-0.9%), Ethereum (+1.7%), Tether (0%), Polkadot (+3.8%), and USDC (0%). Strong returns from Energy Web Token (+11%) and Ankr (+12%). January 02, 2022 $545.5M traded across all markets today Crypto, EUR, USD, JPY, CAD, GBP, CHF, AUD BTC $47304. ↓0.9% $141.1M ETH $3832.0 ↑1.7% $125.6M USDT $1.0002 ↑0.0% $93.5M DOT $29.701 ↑3.8% $36.2M…
January 3, 2022
Kraken Daily Market Report for December 29 2021
December 30, 2021
Overview Total spot trading volume at $1.23 billion, the 30 day average stayed at $1.38 billion. Total futures notional at $300.7 million. The top traded coins were, respectively, Tether (0%), Bitcoin (-2.3%), Ethereum (-4.4%), USDC (0%), and Matic (-8.7%). Wide mix of returns with Enzyme Finance (-25%) and Icon (-21%) down big, while Gnosis (+13%)…
Kraken reveals NFT marketplace plans: Here’s what makes its platform unique
Kraken is currently working on a model to determine the liquidation value of NFTs before use as backing for loans Digital assets trading platforms are the latest institutions pacing into the NFT space by opening NFT marketplaces. US-based crypto exchange Kraken announced plans to launch its own mid-last week. Speaking to Bloomberg Technology's Emily Chang,…
December 25, 2021
Kraken Daily Market Report for September 29 2021
Overview Total spot trading volume at $881.0 million, the 30-day average rose to $1.4 billion. Total futures notional at $263.2 million. Tether was the most traded coin on the exchange, and USDT/USD was the most traded pair. Great returns from OMG (+16%) and DYDX (+20%). September 29, 2021 $881.0M traded across all markets today Crypto, EUR, USD, JPY, CAD, GBP, CHF, AUD USDT $0.9999 ↓0.03% $216.1M BTC $41524. ↑1.2% $205.0M ETH $2851.1 ↑1.6% $169.8M ADA $2.0646 ↑1.4% $52.1M USDC $1.0 ↓0.01% $48.0M DOT $27.257 ↑3.6% $35.4M SOL $135.25 ↑2.2% $24.3M…
September 30, 2021
Vulnerable: Kraken reveals many US Bitcoin ATMs still use default admin QR codes
Kraken Security Labs has said that a “large number” of Bitcoin (BTC) ATMs are vulnerable to hacking, as the administrators never changed the default admin QR code. In a Wednesday blog post, Kraken posted research from its Security Labs team, which found that there are “multiple hardware and software vulnerabilities” in the General Bytes BATMTwo…
September 30, 2021