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2 posts
Your Clothespins Can Tell You When to Do Laundry
Photo: New Africa (Shutterstock)This is a safe space where you can admit you don’t wash every article of clothing every time you wear it. In fact, it’s a space where we can celebrate your decision to waste less water and not traumatize your fabric’s delicate fibers. The thing about not washing clothes after every wear
April 13, 2023
How to Make Folding Laundry Way Less Annoying
Photo: Nutlegal Photographer (Shutterstock)Oh, laundry. Dreaded fucking laundry. While looking at a basket full of freshly folded threads for the whole family is an enormously satisfying—if mundane—accomplishment, getting there is often a slog through procrastination, days of using the basket as a closet, and lots of heavy sighing.Perhaps you love washing, but will walk past…
February 10, 2022