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Leonardo DiCaprio Could Have Been Lex Luthor In Superman thumbnail

Leonardo DiCaprio Could Have Been Lex Luthor In Superman

GameSpot may receive revenue from affiliate and advertising partnerships for sharing this content and from purchases through links. Director Zack Snyder, known for his work on the now-defunct DC Extended Universe (DCEU), revealed in an interview with the Happy Sad Confused podcast that he had discussions with Leonardo DiCaprio about portraying the iconic villain Lex
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Leonardo da Vinci used toxic pigments when he painted the Mona Lisa thumbnail

Leonardo da Vinci used toxic pigments when he painted the Mona Lisa

The Lead(II) oxide behind the mystic smile — Plumbonacrite has previously been found in later works by Rembrandt. Jennifer Ouellette - Oct 25, 2023 10:50 pm UTC Enlarge / A tiny fleck of paint, taken from the Mona Lisa, is revealing insights into previously unknown steps of Leonardo da Vinci's process.Public domain When Leonardo da
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PSG thumbnail


CA COGITE Le jeune milieu de terrain du PSG Xavi Simons (18 ans) joue plus ces derniers temps mais n'aurait pas apprécié une décision prise en juin 2020 à son encontre. Zapping But! Football Club PSG : top 10 des meilleurs passeurs de l'histoireDavantage utilisé par Mauricio Pochettino ces derniers temps, en raison des nombreuses…
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PSG thumbnail


TRANSFERTS Leonardo aurait annoncé à Wanda Nara que Mauro Icardi pouvait partir cet hiver, mais aux conditions du PSG. Zapping But! Football Club PSG : top 10 des joueurs les plus capésSelon les informations du média italien Tuttosport, une réunion aurait eu lieu entre le directeur sportif du Paris Saint-Germain, Leonardo, et la compagne et…
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Tom Cruise as Iron Man, Leonardo DiCaprio as Spider-Man and 7 more ICONIC Hollywood roles initially offered to other actors thumbnail

Tom Cruise as Iron Man, Leonardo DiCaprio as Spider-Man and 7 more ICONIC Hollywood roles initially offered to other actors

Tom Cruise as Iron Man, Leonardo DiCaprio as Spider-Man and 7 more ICONIC Hollywood roles initially offered to other actors Bollywoodlife_Web/Bollywoodlife_AL_ATF_300x250|300,250~Bollywoodlife_Web/Bollywoodlife_AL_BTF_1_300x250|300,250~Bollywoodlife_Web/Bollywoodlife_AL_BTF_2_300x250|300,250~Bollywoodlife_Web/Bollywoodlife_AL_ATF_970x90|970,250~Bollywoodlife_Web/bollywoodlife_ros_strip|1300,50
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