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Liver malaria map paves the way for better treatments thumbnail

Liver malaria map paves the way for better treatments

By infecting humans, the malaria parasite first infiltrates the liver, where it undergoes a seven-day multiplication phase. This critical stage is a prime target for effective vaccines. Leveraging advanced techniques, researchers at Stockholm University have crafted the inaugural comprehensive map of malaria infection in the mouse liver. Their findings, published in Nature Communications, hold promise
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7 Foods That Are Good for Your Liver thumbnail

7 Foods That Are Good for Your Liver

1 Coffeed3sign//Getty ImagesOkay, we know it’s technically a beverage, but we’re putting this one first."The only food where there is clear evidence for a beneficial impact on your liver is coffee,” says Bansal. “Coffee consumption is associated with improvement in liver enzymes, especially in individuals with risk for liver disease."Those with pre-existing liver disease have
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Study: Liver disease increases as result of lifestyle changes due to COVID-19 thumbnail

Study: Liver disease increases as result of lifestyle changes due to COVID-19

Cases of metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease have increased since before the COVID pandemic with late-night meals pre-pandemic and increased alcohol intake mid-pandemic as predictors. Credit: Osaka City University Liver disease was negatively impacted by lifestyle changes during the first year of the pandemic, according to a new study in the journal Liver International. The…
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Liver: Function, failure & disease thumbnail

Liver: Function, failure & disease

Home References (Image credit: Getty Images) The liver is an abdominal glandular organ in the digestive system. It is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, under the diaphragm and on top of the stomach. The liver is a vital organ that supports nearly every other organ to some capacity.The liver is the…
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