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7 posts
Mitch McConnell leads Republicans in profiting off of corporate price hikes thumbnail

Mitch McConnell leads Republicans in profiting off of corporate price hikes

As millions of Americans buckle under the weight of record-breaking inflation, Republicans in Congress have remained adamant that President Biden, or rather "Bidenflation," is the main culprit of price increases across the board, dismissing concerns of corporate profiteering out of hand. But a new analysis reveals that Republicans are collecting millions of dollars in donations…
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McConnell laughs off Trump's 'Old Crow' nickname: 'It's my favorite bourbon' thumbnail

McConnell laughs off Trump’s ‘Old Crow’ nickname: ‘It’s my favorite bourbon’

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellMcConnell laughs off Trump's 'Old Crow' nickname: 'It's my favorite bourbon' GOP tensions flare over Jan. 6 attack Trump tightens grip on RNC MORE on Tuesday waved off former President TrumpDonald TrumpMcConnell laughs off Trump's 'Old Crow' nickname: 'It's my favorite bourbon' North Carolina elections board says it…
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McConnell blocks simple majority votes on Dems' voting rights bills thumbnail

McConnell blocks simple majority votes on Dems’ voting rights bills

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellMcConnell blocks simple majority votes on Dems' voting rights bills Republicans threaten floor takeover if Democrats weaken filibuster  Biden to 'forcefully advocate' for voting rights in Tuesday speech MORE (R-Ky.) on Monday night blocked an attempt by Senate Majority Leader Charles SchumerChuck SchumerClyburn on updating election law: 'What is true…
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Mitch McConnell Caves, Offers Democrats Short-Term Debt Fix amid Standoff thumbnail

Mitch McConnell Caves, Offers Democrats Short-Term Debt Fix amid Standoff

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday told Democrats he would allow an emergency debt limit extension into December, edging back from a perilous standoff by offering a potential path to avoid a federal default. A procedural vote on legislation that would suspend the debt limit for two years was abruptly delayed,…
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