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7 posts
CERN Physicists Measure High-Energy Neutrino Interaction Strength thumbnail

CERN Physicists Measure High-Energy Neutrino Interaction Strength

The Forward Search Experiment (FASER) at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is designed to search for extremely weakly interacting particles. Such particles are predicted by many theories beyond the Standard Model that are attempting to solve outstanding problems in physics such as the nature of dark matter and the matter-antimatter imbalance in the Universe. Another
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Physicists find a new way to measure the properties of a material’s surface layer thumbnail

Physicists find a new way to measure the properties of a material’s surface layer

Using a process called auger-mediated positron sticking (AMPS), scientists from the Positron Lab in the UTA Department of Physics have developed a new technique that can measure the properties of the topmost atomic layer of materials. This novel spectroscopic tool uses virtual photons to measure the topmost atomic layer’s electronic structure selectively. When incoming positrons
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New method to measure the cosmic microwave background’s temperature thumbnail

New method to measure the cosmic microwave background’s temperature

The cosmic microwave background (CMB) is leftover electromagnetic radiation from the earliest cosmological epoch, i.e., Big Bang. It gives a snapshot of the early Universe. Over the past two decades, measurements of the cosmic microwave background’s temperature have provided profound insight into the nature of the Universe. Detailed information about the composition and evolution of…
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New biosensors measure toxic drugs in cancer, arthritis, and organ transplant patients thumbnail

New biosensors measure toxic drugs in cancer, arthritis, and organ transplant patients

Researchers are a step closer to transforming a US$70 billion global diagnostic industry with new designer biosensors that 'switch on' colour or electrical responses to drugs used in cancer, arthritis, and organ transplant treatment. Credit: Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Researchers are a step closer to transforming a US$70 billion global diagnostic industry with new…
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CERN Physicists Measure Masses of Exotic Indium Nuclei thumbnail

CERN Physicists Measure Masses of Exotic Indium Nuclei

The isotope tin-100 is of interest for nuclear structure due to its closed-shell proton and neutron configurations. It is also the heaviest nucleus comprising protons and neutrons in equal numbers. In new research, physicists from the ISOLTRAP experiment at CERN’s Isotope mass Separator On-Line (ISOLDE) facility performed direct mass measurements of indium-99 and indium-100, neighboring…
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