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How agencies are measuring impact for brands beyond the classic core metrics thumbnail

How agencies are measuring impact for brands beyond the classic core metrics

September 13, 2023  •  4 min read  •  By Antoinette Siu Ivy Liu As more data and channels become available to marketers, agencies and industry groups are reporting more metrics to clients beyond a brand’s standard KPIs. Those specific data points have included creator and influencer impact and more holistic measures of a brand’s likability, according to
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Measuring medicine use in livestock supports the fight against antimicrobial resistance thumbnail

Measuring medicine use in livestock supports the fight against antimicrobial resistance

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Measuring how much antimicrobial medication is given to food animals is key to understanding how to slow antimicrobial resistance, when dangerous microbes get so used to antimicrobials that they evolve stronger defenses against them. However, measuring the actual antimicrobial use in animals on a large scale is still a logistical challenge.…
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