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3 posts
Key mechanism that controls human heart development discovered
ARC-MS identifies proteins recruited to translationally active ribosomes during mesoderm commitment. (A) Schematic of ARC-MS workflow. ARC-MS was performed in hESCs (d0) and hESC-derived mesoderm progenitors (d2). (B) Violin plots depicting intensity-based absolute quantification (IBAQ) values of ribosomal proteins and all identified proteins from ARC-MS data from hESCs versus mesoderm progenitors. (C) Heatmap showing the
March 30, 2023
Nonequilibrium mechanism of bacterial flagellar motor switching revealed
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain In work published in Physical Review Letters, a research group led by Prof. Yuan Junhua and Prof. Zhang Rongjing from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences proposed a novel nonequilibrium mechanism in the allosteric regulation of motor switching, based on a precise…
January 7, 2022
Mechanism that helps immune cells to invade tissues
To fight infections and heal injuries, immune cells need to enter tissue. They also need to invade tumors to fight them from within. Scientists have now discovered how immune cells protect their sensitive insides as they squeeze between tissue cells. The team lays the foundation for identifying new targets in cancer treatment. Knowing, when exactly…
January 6, 2022