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4 posts
Could we merge biologically with the fungal network and live forever?
KatyaPulina/AdobeStock Prepare to meet members of an extreme cult that took root – literally – in a forest on a Japanese island in the 2080s. An unknown number of people traded their status as individual humans to merge biologically with the fungal network in forest soil. The cult grew out of a Buddhist sect that
June 19, 2024
Merge Games Shows Off Sunnyside’s Gameplay In Latest Trailer
Merge Games Shows Off Sunnyside’s Gameplay In Latest Trailer Indie developer, RainyGames seeks to release innovative, fun titles while Merge Games is an independent video game publisher. The two companies have now collaborated to work on the release of Sunnyside, a JRPG farm simulator set in the Japanese countryside. Today, the team has released an
October 16, 2022
Ethereum’s Merge is another epic fail
Ethereum blockchain users and promoters were ecstatic last week as the long-delayed ‘Merge’ finally happened. For those who don’t know, the Merge transitioned Ethereum from a proof-of-work consensus mechanism to a proof-of-stake one. The Ethereum community has been promoting this as some sort of revolutionary change for years. Yet, as CoinGeek predicted countless times, the
September 22, 2022
Bode: We will go to Cotroceni with the proposal that Florin Cîțu be the prime minister of Romania
Prim-vicepreşedintele PNL Lucian Bode, a declarat marți seară, la Antena 3, că liberalii vor merge săptămâna viitoare la Cotroceni cu Florin Cîțu, ca propunere de premier, în ciuda deciziei CCR care spune că premierul demis prin moțiune de cenzură nu mai poate fi propus pentru aceeași funcție. „Vom merge la Cotroceni, aşa cum a anunţat…
October 6, 2021