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6 posts
Opera pushes further into crypto with new Web3 integrated browser
The mania around Web3 is intensifying by the day, especially as the digital infrastructure surrounding it continues to take a definitive structure. This has caused many players from the current internet epoch to allocate their resources to the same in a bid to stay relevant during this transformative period. The most recent move in this…
January 19, 2022
Opera introduces new browser dedicated to crypto using Web3
Opera Opera announced a brand-new browser option dedicated to cryptocurrency to make it easier to buy and organize crypto and NFTs. The multi-platform web browser company said in its announcement on Wednesday that the new browser, known as the Crypto Browser Project, is available in beta on Windows, Mac, and Android, with an iOS version…
January 19, 2022
Opera Just Launched a Crypto Browser for Some Reason
OperaOpera has just released a beta version of a new browser dedicated to all things cryptocurrency. It’s not something anyone was asking for, but it does seem to have some useful features for people heavily invested in the crypto scene. As far as what made Opera decide to release a cryptocurrency browser, the company broke…
January 19, 2022
Petróleo opera estable; alza de producción libia contrarresta dudas sobre suministro
Precios del petróleo Los precios del crudo operaban estables la mañana de este lunes, entre apuestas de los inversores de que el suministro seguirá siendo ajustado por los límites de bombeo de algunos productores, mientras que un aumento de la oferta libia añadía presión al mercado. Reuters 17 de enero de 2022, 06:26 Los precios del…
January 17, 2022
After 18 months, the Met Opera opened the season with a work composed by an African-American
Hashtag Riaditeľ, ale aj predavačka a ďalší zamestnanci: Na toto má v Lidli nárok každý! #Hovorí sa, že za každou úspešnou firmou stojí v prvom rade spokojný zamestnanec. Aj Henry Ford tvrdil, že jeden takýto pracovník ... viac » Angličtina – Food: Povieme ti o rôznych kuchyniach sveta! Vedel si, že talianska pizza nie je rovnaká ako…
September 30, 2021
Opera announces self-publishing platform and $ 45,000 contest.
Opera GX, le premier navigateur de jeux au monde ouvre sa propre plateforme d’auto-publication pour tous les créateurs de GameMaker, appelée GXC. Cette nouvelle fait suite à un changement récent du modèle de licence de GameMaker Studio 2 qui a rendu gratuit pour les créateurs le développement de jeux dans le moteur. Pour célébrer l’annonce…
September 30, 2021