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3 posts

Heroin overdose: 18 month old in desperate condition

Ambulanza Sassari, 2 ottovre 2021  - Overdose da eroina per un bimbo di 18 mesi. Il piccolo è ricoverato in gravissime condizioni all'ospedale di Sassari. Le indagini sono circondate dal riserbo ma secondo indiscrezioni il bimbo avrebbe trovato l'eroina in casa e l'avrebbe ingerita: la droga gli ha causato una crisi immediata. A chiamare il 118 sono stati…
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U.S. Meth Overdose Deaths Tripled in Recent Years thumbnail

U.S. Meth Overdose Deaths Tripled in Recent Years

By Steven ReinbergHealthDay ReporterTHURSDAY, Sept. 23, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Deaths from methamphetamine overdoses in the United States nearly tripled between 2015 and 2019, health officials report in a new study. While the number of methamphetamine users did not increase as steeply, researchers said frequent use of methamphetamine, and using other drugs at the same…
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