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15 posts
Pandora Papers: India-born Singapore billionaire with ties to powerful takes offshore route
India-born Arvind Tiku, 51, ranked by Forbes in 2021 as the 18th richest in Singapore with a net worth of $2.2 billion, has established The Sai Charan Investment Holding Trust in Singapore, of which Auctus Investments Ltd, a British Virgin Islands company, is the prime investment holding vehicle with assets of $199.4 million, show records…
October 8, 2021
Pandora Papers: Petre Daea hid tons of cheese in the Cayman Islands
Tot mai multe personalităţi din ţara noastră apar în dezvăluirile „Pandora Papers”! Potrivit investigatorilor de la RISE Project, unul dintre românii care ar fi apelat la paradisuri fiscale pentru a-şi dosi bogăţiile este chiar fostul ministru al Agriculturii, Petre Daea. Documentele spun că Daea ar fi ascuns tone de brânză în beciuri din Insulele Cayman,…
October 6, 2021
The Pandora Papers Reveal How the Super-Rich Shaft the Rest of Us
A just-released “Panama Papers on steroids” show how the US has become a major tax haven and destination for illicit wealth. October 5, 2021 The Pandora Papers, a massive leak of secret data about the illicit financial activities of the super-wealthy, will be supplying revelations for weeks and probably months to come. The Pandora Papers…
October 5, 2021
“Pandora Papers”: Prosecutor in Montenegro initiates preliminary investigations
Aktualisiert: 05.10.202111:00 Die Sonderstaatsanwaltschaft in Montenegro hat infolge der Enthüllungen der «Pandora Papers» Vorermittlungen eingeleitet. Podgorica - Die Sonderstaatsanwaltschaft in Montenegro hat infolge der Enthüllungen der «Pandora Papers» Vorermittlungen eingeleitet. Die Dokumente betreffen auch das kleine Balkanland und seinen Präsidenten Milo Djukanovic. «Die Sonderstaatsanwaltschaft unternimmt alle Maßnahmen und Handlungen im Rahmen ihrer Zuständigkeit, die nötig sind, um…
October 5, 2021
Pandora Papers: Five ways celebrities use the offshore system
Shakira did it. So did Ringo Starr, Claudia Schiffer, Julio Iglesias and cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar. They have all set up companies “offshore”, in places like the British Virgin Islands, where tax rates are low or zero and where their businesses – and their identities – are hidden from the public. And they’re among the…
October 4, 2021
There are also links to Slovakia in Pandora papers. The lawyer accused in the Mýtnik action is also mentioned
Pandora papers majú aj slovenskú stopu. Údajne ide o vyše 40 ľudí a desiatky firiem prepojených na Slovensko. Podľa zistení investigatívneho centra Jána Kuciaka, ktoré má časť dokumentov k dispozícii, je medzi nimi aj Martin Bahleda, ktorého stíhajú pre pranie špinavých peňazí v akcii Mýtnik. Viac sa dozviete v reportáži Michala Hečku.
October 4, 2021
Pandora Papers reveal Pep Guardiola failed to declare offshore bank account while Barcelona coach
October 4, 2021
Pep Guardiola failed to declare to Spanish authorities that he had opened an offshore bank account while playing in Qatar, according to the Pandora Papers leaks. The Manchester City manager is said to have kept almost £500,000 in an Andorran bank account, which remained open while he was manager at Barcelona. Both El Pais and…
Pandora Papers: Peter Obi smeared as over 300 world leaders come under scrutiny for tax evasion
A collaboration of more than 600 journalists from 150 media outlets in 117 countries has produced a series of indicting investigative reports detailing how hundreds of wealthy elites worldwide engage in tax evasion, using tax and secrecy havens to clandestinely acquire properties and assets unknown to the regulatory authorities in their respective countries. The investigative…
October 4, 2021
“Pandora Papers” make politicians difficult to explain
Ilham Alijew, 59, ist autokratischer Präsident von Aserbaidschan. Er soll gut 504 Millionen Franken auf die Seite geschafft haben. Jordaniens König Abdullah II soll ein geheimes Vermögen von 93 Millionen Franken angehäuft haben, das in Malibu, Washington und London parkiert ist. Tschechiens populistischer Premier Andrej Babis soll über eine Offshore-Gesellschaft ein gut 20 Millionen Franken…
October 4, 2021
World: Pandora Papers: Document dump allegedly links world leaders to secret wealth
__tbc2 yearsThis cookie is used for measuring the efficiency of advertisement by registering data on visitors from multiple website._cc_aud8 months 26 daysThe cookie is set by The purpose of the cookie is to collect statistical information in an anonymous form about the visitors of the website. The data collected include number of visits, average…
October 4, 2021