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19 posts
Clearing the Air: The EU's Pollution Battle Plan thumbnail

Clearing the Air: The EU’s Pollution Battle Plan

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Microplastic pollution rained down on Canada during a hurricane thumbnail

Microplastic pollution rained down on Canada during a hurricane

Environment When Hurricane Larry struck Newfoundland in 2021, large amounts of microplastic fell from the sky, probably because the storm travelled over an ocean garbage patch By Carolyn Wilke Satellite image of Hurricane Larry over the Atlantic Ocean on 8 September 2021AP Photo / Alamy In September 2021, Hurricane Larry pelted Newfoundland, in Canada, with
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The true cost of climate pollution? 44% of corporate profits. thumbnail

The true cost of climate pollution? 44% of corporate profits.

What if companies had to pay for the problems their carbon emissions cause? Their profits would plunge, according to new estimates, possibly wiping out trillions in financial gains. These results, spelled out in a recent study in the journal Science, are based on analysis of almost 15,000 publicly-traded companies around the world. To calculate how
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La pollution des fleuves et rivières par nos médicaments est considérable, révèle une vaste étude thumbnail

La pollution des fleuves et rivières par nos médicaments est considérable, révèle une vaste étude

Parmi les multiples facteurs de la pollution de l'eau des fleuves et des rivières, il en est un dont les effets sont délétères sur la biodiversité. Les résidus des médicaments absorbés puis rejetés dans les eaux usées modifient, agressent ou tuent la faune aquatique. En étudiant 258 rivières réparties sur 104 pays, de tous les continents, représentant l'empreinte pharmaceutique de 471,4 millions…
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