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3 posts
B.C. physicians can now prescribe Parks Canada Discovery Pass to encourage people to get outside
VANCOUVER - A visit to the doctor's office can now result in a prescription for a Parks Canada Discovery Pass, to encourage British Columbians to spend more time in nature. It's part of a program launched just over a year ago in partnership with the BC Parks Foundation, which saw local physicians prescribing time outdoors…
February 1, 2022
Researchers urge: ‘Prescribe aspirin based on benefit-to-risk not age’
Recent guidelines have restricted aspirin use in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease to patients under 70, and more recent guidance to patients under 60. Yet, the risks of heart attacks and strokes increase markedly with age. There has been considerable confusion from recently reported results of four large-scale randomized trials of aspirin in high-risk…
January 5, 2022
Prescribe fewer antidepressants, and for shorter periods, doctors advised
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Doctors should prescribe fewer antidepressants and for shorter periods of time, because of the ongoing uncertainties about their effectiveness and the potential severity and durability of the withdrawal symptoms associated with them, suggests a review of the evidence on antidepressant use, published online in the Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin. The use…
December 20, 2021