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2 posts
Amid pressing mental health needs in children, primary care practices struggle to get help
The need for mental health care in children and adolescents has been surging; rates of suicide and self-harm are increasing, and, like hospitals, primary care practices are struggling with an influx of patients. Properly supported, these practices can provide behavioral health services to children and teens. But in a national study led by Alyna Chien,…
January 25, 2022
The pressure is growing, towards the super green pass also to work
Emergenza CovidIl nuovo decreto legge su cui il governo ragiona dovrebbe essere discusso in un Consiglio dei ministri che potrebbe essere convocato il 5 gennaio31 dicembre 2021Nuove regole green pass, Zaia: "Di fatto si va verso lockdown non vaccinati"2' di letturaIl via libera alla nuova stretta anti-Covid, decisa mercoledì dal Consiglio dei ministri, è destinato…
December 31, 2021