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5 posts
Readers Offer Their Takes on the Opioid Crisis, Family Doctor Shortage, and Vaccine Policies
Letters to the Editor is a periodic feature. We welcome all comments and will publish a selection. We edit for length and clarity and require full names. A chronic-pain patient advocate, who has been featured previously in KFF Health News coverage, spoke out on the social platform X about our “Payback: Tracking the Opioid Settlement Cash” project: Oh
January 30, 2025
Readers Respond to the October 2023 Issue
February 1, 20245 min readLetters to the editors for the October 2023 issue of Scientific American Credit: Scientific American, October 2023RESIDENTIAL SPACE?I was astounded by the challenges to leaving Earth detailed by Sarah Scoles in “Why We'll Never Live in Space.” I could only conclude that we will never achieve this goal. But then I visualized
January 27, 2024
How Sixth Tone Readers Remember Beijing’s First Olympics
It wouldn’t be quite true to say that the Olympics made modern Beijing — but it wouldn’t be far wrong. Between 2001 and 2008, the capital was a flurry of development — subway lines, monuments, developments, informal dwellings for migrant workers — and a remarkable time. When we asked readers to share their memories from…
February 3, 2022
HBR Readers Reflect on 2021
When HBR asked readers what they learned in 2021, lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic took center stage. Readers said they learned not only how to work remotely better, but that they valued their colleagues and in some cases had a new appreciation for the office as a place to connect. Echoing this more deeply, readers…
December 28, 2021
Racer X Readers’ Choice Survey Winners Announced
Congratulations to all of the Racer X Readers' Choice Survey winners:Bob’s Cycle Supply $1000 Gift Card: Tristan Farina from NJTroy Lee Designs Meridian Gear Bag: Andy Kemps from WISonic Tools Backpack 1: Laura Honerbrink from MNSonic Tools Backpack 2: Mike Armstrong from OHSonic Tools Backpack 3: Charlie Lanza from PAScott Fury Goggle 1: Russ Haughey…
November 10, 2021