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3 posts
Real-time imaging of Arc/Arg3.1 transcription ex vivo reveals input-specific immediate early gene dynamics
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September 12, 2022
Real-Time Evolution: Descendents of Stressed-Out Roundworms Mate More
In the early 19th century, French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck put forth an evolutionary theory that the adaptations acquired by an organism during its lifetime could be handed down to its descendants. According to Lamarck, the lanky necks characteristic of modern-day giraffes, for example, supposedly emerged as a result of their ancestors' constant stretching. Though widely…
March 2, 2022
Real-time alert system heralds new era in fast radio burst research
Credit: CC0 Public Domain McGill University scientists have developed a new system for sharing the enormous amount of data being generated by the CHIME radio telescope in its search for fast radio bursts (FRBs), the puzzling extragalactic phenomenon that is one of the hottest topics in modern-day astronomy. It is not uncommon for the CHIME/FRB…
January 4, 2022