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Digital Signal Processor Firm Haawking Secures Round-A Financing thumbnail

Digital Signal Processor Firm Haawking Secures Round-A Financing

Your browser does not support the audio element. Haawking, a Chinese digital signal processor firm, has recently announced its completion of round-A financing totaling nearly 100 million yuan ($14.9 million), following joint investment from BYD, Megmeet and other industry players, 36Kr reported on July 7. The funds are mainly to be used for the acceleration…
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Signal update lets users keep conversations after changing their phone number thumbnail

Signal update lets users keep conversations after changing their phone number

Popular encrypted instant messaging app Signal was updated on Monday with a long-awaited feature, which is the ability to change the registered phone number without losing current conversations. Since all Signal conversations are end-to-end encrypted, the app links the user’s conversations with their phone number – which means that the chats are not synchronized in…
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Signal has a new CEO: one of the founders of WhatsApp thumbnail

Signal has a new CEO: one of the founders of WhatsApp

Compartir Uno de los co-fundadores de WhatsApp es ahora el CEO de Signal... aunque no por mucho tiempo.Matthew Rosenfeld, el investigador en ciberseguridad mejor conocido como Moxie Marlinspike, ha decidido abandonar su puesto como CEO de Signal después de cerca de una década al frente de la compañía detrás de la famosa aplicación de mensajería…
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MobileCoin reveals Signal-integrated cryptocurrency payments feature has quietly rolled out to international markets thumbnail

MobileCoin reveals Signal-integrated cryptocurrency payments feature has quietly rolled out to international markets

2021 年春,加密通信应用 Signal 宣布将在英国开测支付功能,并且集成对 MobileCoin 的支持。作为一款相对新颖的加密货币,Signal 宣称 MobileCoin 更加注重隐私体验。自去年 11 月中旬以来,该公司已悄然开启更广泛的阶段性测试,让数以百万计的移动设备用户具备了数字支付的能力。 最新消息是,MobileCoind 创始人 Josh Goldbard 已确认正式向国际市场推送 Signal 新支付功能的时间。参考 Signal 的总下载量报告,当前已有上亿台设备能够打开 MobileCoin,并在五秒(或更短的时间)内实现端到端的加密支付。据说当前每日交易量已达数千笔,相比之下,测试阶段的日交易量只有数十笔。即便如此,Signal 的支付功能,用起来还不够便捷。大部分市场区域的 Signal 用户,都可通过点击 + 图标、然后选择‘支付’,以访问他们的 MobileCoin 钱包。除了要等待加密货币钱包的加载,这款加密货币也仅在少数几个规模较小的交易所挂牌(比如 BitFinex 和 FTX),其中没有任何一家是面向美国市场的。与此同时,Signal 方面没有回应外媒的置评请求。不过去年 4 月,Moxie Marlinspike 曾接受过《连线》的采访,期间有解释其希望为 Signal 这款加密视频通话 / 消息应用引入支付功能。显然,此举是为了让 Signal 可在功能上与 WhatsApp 和 Facebook Messenger 等展开直接的竞争,同时让用户享有这款应用广受赞誉的隐私保护特性。
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2022 could be a signal year for 5G services in the country thumbnail

2022 could be a signal year for 5G services in the country

2021 will possibly be remembered as the year which breathed a new lease of life into the struggling telecom sector which is now finally free to invest resources into the much-awaited 5G race. However, will consumers be able to avail the services?According to experts, even if the Department of Telecommunications is able to hold 5G…
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Signal vs. Telegram: Which Is the Best Chat App? thumbnail

Signal vs. Telegram: Which Is the Best Chat App?

Primakov/Shutterstock.comAt the start of 2021, Signal and Telegram are on top of the app store charts. Both chat apps promise more privacy than WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and SMS. But there are some big differences between the two. Here’s what you should know—and which you should use. What Signal and Telegram Have in Common Signal and…
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Bullish Signal? Ethereum Market Dominance Sitting Above 20% thumbnail

Bullish Signal? Ethereum Market Dominance Sitting Above 20%

In the last five years, Ethereum has not only taken a significant market share from bitcoin, but it has consistently grown in the same time period. While bitcoin had maintained the majority of the market dominance for the longest time, it has not taken altcoins a long time to come for the majority share. In…
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