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Auto giant Stellantis announces ‘immediate’ resignation of CEO Tavares thumbnail

Auto giant Stellantis announces ‘immediate’ resignation of CEO Tavares

Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares, pictured in January 2023, was made chief executive when PSA and Fiat-Chrysler merged to form the new group - Copyright AFP/File Robyn BECKStellantis chief executive Carlos Tavares on Sunday resigned “with immediate effect”, the auto giant announced, signalling differences over how to confront the group’s profit slump. The Italian-US-French company, whose
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Stellantis reportedly considers manufacturing Leapmotor EVs in Italy thumbnail

Stellantis reportedly considers manufacturing Leapmotor EVs in Italy

Stellantis reportedly considers manufacturing Leapmotor EVs in Italy. Credit: Stellantis Stellantis is exploring the potential to manufacture as many as 150,000 affordable electric vehicles annually in Italy with its Chinese partner Leapmotor. This could happen as early as 2026 or 2027 at a historic Fiat plant in Mirafiori, Turin, according to Automotive News Europe, citing
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Stellantis, Samsung SDI plan second US gigafactory thumbnail

Stellantis, Samsung SDI plan second US gigafactory

Dive Brief: Stellantis and battery maker Samsung SDI on Monday announced plans to build a second joint venture gigafactory in the U.S. The EV battery plant, which is slated to open in 2027 with an initial production capacity of 34 gigawatt hours per year, will be the automaker's sixth supporting its planned increase in EV manufacturing. 
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Renault, Stellantis și Volkswagen ar putea fi grav afectate de sancțiunile economice dictate împotriva Rusiei thumbnail

Renault, Stellantis și Volkswagen ar putea fi grav afectate de sancțiunile economice dictate împotriva Rusiei

Întreg mapamondul este conectat la războiul din Ucraina, iar marii producători auto au motive în plus de îngrijorare. Constructori precum Volkswagen, Renault și Stellantis, care dețin fabrici în Rusia, ar putea fi serios afectate din cauza evenimentelor dramatice din Ucraina. Uniunea Europeană și SUA au anunțat cele sancțiuni economice și comerciale dure împotriva Kremlinului. Decizia…
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The head of Stellantis stated the danger of electric cars thumbnail

The head of Stellantis stated the danger of electric cars

Ці автомобілі, а точніше їх інтенсивна розробка можуть завдати серйозної шкоди автомобільній індустрії. Карлос Траверс вважає, що повна заборона на продаж у Євросоюзі автомобілів з ДВЗ не має економічного сенсу і не залишає автовиробникам вибору щодо визначення стратегії з досягнення повної вуглецевої нейтральності. Різкий перехід на електрокари несе в собі лише політичний підтекст і не…
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