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15 posts
Student debt forgiveness plan unlikely to succeed thumbnail

Student debt forgiveness plan unlikely to succeed

Students from rich families tend to be over-represented in medical programs because of the established link between wealth and academic performance, particularly on the Australian Tertiary Academic Rank.“So these people might be getting what amounts to a massively subsidised and discounted education,” Professor Holden said.“It amounts to bus drivers subsidising wealthy kids to get medical
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Biden's Student Debt Relief Plan And Bitcoin thumbnail

Biden’s Student Debt Relief Plan And Bitcoin

This is an opinion editorial by Robert Hall, a content creator and small business owner.President Biden on Wednesday announced a student loan relief package designed to lower the debt of millions of Americans across the country. Current and former students with student loans are poised to have $10,000-$20,000 in debt wiped out, depending on the
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What to know about student debt thumbnail

What to know about student debt

The government boosted loans and grants during the pandemic. It should cancel existing student debts altogether. Erika Shaker is the director of the national office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives When new grads aren’t able to land good jobs in their fields, they often end up in unrelated low-wage work. They serve tables…
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Navient’s student loan settlement primarily applies to delinquent borrowers thumbnail

Navient’s student loan settlement primarily applies to delinquent borrowers

For years, the student loan servicing company Navient allegedly encouraged student loan borrowers to enter costly long-term forbearance programs that pushed them further into debt, as well as take on private loans they couldn’t pay back, according to lawsuits filed by several states, and joined by 39 attorneys general.Those claims were resolved through a settlement…
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