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17 posts
Afghanistan’s Taliban govt says morality law will be ‘gently’ enforced
KYIV: Ukrainian authorities issued new air raid alerts across the country on Tuesday as Russian bombers took to the skies, a day after Moscow carried out a “massive” attack on Ukraine’s power grid.Russia fired hundreds of drones and missiles at Ukraine on Monday, killing at least four people and battering the country’s already weakened energy
August 26, 2024
Taj escaped the Taliban through an Australian program. Now, it’s being scrapped
Key PointsAustralia's Afghan Locally Engaged Employee Program is being terminated on 31 May.The LEE program offered resettlement to interpreters who were at risk of harm by the Taliban due to their work.Applicants still waiting on certification are stuck in Afghanistan and say their lives are at risk.In 2021, Taj Wali Raihan's world was upended. The
May 26, 2024
Taliban Looks to Private Sector to Save Afghanistan’s Economy
KABUL—With its economy in free fall, the Taliban is banking on private enterprise to rescue Afghanistan’s people and solidify its regime. That will be tough for a country under international sanctions, with its banks paralyzed, poverty reaching near-universal levels and little confidence among the population in what the future holds.
February 20, 2022
Silahlı Taliban üyelerine lunapark yasağı
Değerli okurları. ekibi olarak Türkiye’de ve dünyada yaşanan ve haber değeri taşıyan her türlü gelişmeyi sizlere en hızlı, en objektif ve en doyurucu şekilde ulaştırmak için çalışıyoruz. Yoğun gündem içerisinde sunduğumuz haberlerimizle ve olaylarla ilgili eleştiri, görüş, yorumlarınız bizler için çok önemli. Fakat karşılıklı saygı ve yasalara uygunluk çerçevesinde oluşturduğumuz yorum platformlarında daha…
February 2, 2022
U.N. urges Taliban to release information about missing journalists
KABUL (Reuters) - The United Nation's mission to Afghanistan on Tuesday called on the Taliban administration to release details on the detention of two Afghan journalists who disappeared the previous day.A Taliban administration spokesman, Bilal Karimi, said it was investigating the men's abduction and denied they had been arrested. "Mounting concern about restrictions on media…
February 1, 2022
Afghanistan: Taliban haben laut Uno mehr als 100 Ortskräfte und Ex-Regierungsmitarbeiter getötet
Die radikalislamischen Taliban haben einem Uno-Bericht zufolge seit ihrer Machtübernahmen im vergangenen August mehr als hundert ehemalige Regierungsmitarbeiter und Ortskräfte der internationalen Truppen in Afghanistan getötet. »Trotz der Ankündigung einer Generalamnestie« für Mitarbeiter von Regierung und Streitkräften habe die Uno »glaubwürdige Anschuldigungen über Tötungen« sowie »gewaltsames Verschwindenlassen« erhalten, hieß es in dem Bericht von Uno-Generalsekretär…
January 31, 2022
Taliban delegation begins talks in Oslo
January 24, 2022
Taliban Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi A Taliban delegation led by acting Foreign Minister, Amir Khan Muttaqi, has started three days of talks in Oslo with Western government officials and Afghan civil society representatives.Starting on Sunday, the closed-door meetings in the Norwegian capital will see Taliban representatives meeting with women’s rights activists and human rights defenders…
Taliban Ancam Tembak Wanita LSM Afghanistan jika Tak Pakai Burqa
Sabtu, 22 Januari 2022 - 17:48 WIBloading... Polisi agama Taliban mengancam akan menembak para wanita LSM Afghanistan jika tidak mengenakan burqa. Foto/REUTERS A A A KABUL - Polisi agama Taliban telah mengancam akan menembak para wanita pekerja lembaga swadaya masyarakat (LSM) di provinsi barat laut Afghanistan jika mereka tidak mengenakan burqa.Ancaman itu diungkap dua anggota…
January 22, 2022
Afghanistan: Taliban arrest well-known dissident professor mit Werbung Um der Nutzung mit Werbung zuzustimmen, muss JavaScript in Ihrem Browser aktiviert sein. mit Werbung Besuchen Sie wie gewohnt mit Werbung und Tracking. Details zum Tracking finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung und im Privacy Center. Pur Nutzen Sie mit weniger Werbung und ohne Werbetracking für 1,20 €/Woche (für…
January 8, 2022
US, Taliban to meet for first time since American troop withdrawal: Report
The meeting marks the first time US officials met with the Taliban since American forces left Afghanistan in August. AP US and Taliban officials will meet face-to-face this weekend in Qatar for the first time since the last American military forces left Afghanistan at the end of August, reports said Friday. The Saturday and Sunday…
October 9, 2021