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3 posts
A Timely Reminder: ‘Invisible Labor’ Is Still Work
There’s no trade union for invisible labor. There’s no holiday pay, no sick leave, no promotion, and no time off in lieu either. And by invisible labor, I’m talking here about the thousands of unnoticed, unregulated, and unappreciated tasks undertaken every day that keep households not just alive but functioning. Buying and cooking food, remembering
December 19, 2023
Timely tips for urban gardeners concerned about lead safety
For Paula Gordon the question of why she has a garden smack dab in the middle of town, the answer is easy. “I like growing things,” she says, as she stands in her front yard surrounded by all manner of plants, including vegetables, herbs, berries, and flowers. But she’s quick to say that it goes
April 10, 2023
Timely Cervical Cancer Screening Took a Dive in Recent Years
More and more U.S. women were behind on guideline-recommended cervical cancer screening in recent years, with lack of knowledge about needing screening cited as the primary reason for not being up to date, researchers reported. In a pooled, population-based, cross-sectional study, the percentage of women not up to date on their screening increased from 14.4%…
January 18, 2022