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3 posts
Eli Tomac Sets Up GoFundMe For Former Mechanic Brian Kranz thumbnail

Eli Tomac Sets Up GoFundMe For Former Mechanic Brian Kranz

Main image is from the 2020 Monster Energy AMA Supercross finale, when Tomac and Kranz wrapped up their maiden 450SX title together. Eli Tomac took to Instagram over the weekend to share some news about his former mechanic. Brian Kranz, Tomac’s long-time mechanic, has three lumps—one on his armpit, one near his heart, and one on
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Webb Joins Tomac and Lawrence Brothers in Paris Supercross thumbnail

Webb Joins Tomac and Lawrence Brothers in Paris Supercross

The Paris Supercross is looking to go big this fall with the addition of Cooper Webb to a roster that already includes Eli Tomac and Hunter and Jett Lawrence.The following is a press release from the Paris SupercrossCooper Webb, back to the Paris Supercross!The former two-time Supercross Champion celebrated his 18th and 20th birthdays while…
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Eugen Tomac a fost ales preşedintele PMP thumbnail

Eugen Tomac a fost ales preşedintele PMP

Congresul Extraordinar al Partidului Mişcarea Populară l-a ales sâmbătă pe Eugen Tomac ca preşedinte al formaţiunii politice. Eugen Tomac a candidat ca lider al moţiunii „PMP - un nou început pentru o Românie creştin-democrată”. Din 456 de voturi exprimate, 421 au fost „pentru”,moţiunea lui Tomac, 18 „împotrivă” şi 17 abţineri, informează Agerpres.„Le mulțumesc tuturor colegilor…
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