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2 posts
New predator uncovered 25,000+ feet under the Pacific
The newly discovered crustacean Ducibella camanchaca is the first large, active predatory amphipod from the extreme depths of Atacama Trench. Johanna Weston, ©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution With its raptor-like pincers and tusk-like front appendages, a newly discovered predatory crustacean appears to be pretty adept at living in marine extremes. An international team of scientists found
December 10, 2024
New clues uncovered about a mysterious supernova that was discovered 8 years ago
In 2014, astronomers detected a sudden bright spot in the sky. They were sure that the spot must be a star explosion. After its detection, astronomers from worldwide started following it with telescopes. This stellar explosion is continuing to evolve even as scientists watch. Using several telescopes, scientists observed how it evolves. They also deduced…
May 2, 2022