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6 posts
US watchdog pokes Facebook a second time: Meta faces fresh monopoly lawsuit thumbnail

US watchdog pokes Facebook a second time: Meta faces fresh monopoly lawsuit

The Federal Trade Commission’s antitrust complaint that Facebook, er, Meta operates as a monopoly will be heard by the courts after the US watchdog's initial lawsuit was dismissed. In December 2020, the FTC accused Meta of "illegally maintaining its personal social networking (PSN) monopoly through a years-long course of anticompetitive conduct." It threatened to break…
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HHS watchdog: State oversight needed for behavioral telehealth thumbnail

HHS watchdog: State oversight needed for behavioral telehealth

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General issued a data brief this month aimed at providing insight into state evaluations and oversight of tele-behavioral services.    The brief, which examined oversight efforts as of January and February 2020, stemmed from a survey of Medicaid directors from 37 states, as well…
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