Take 5 with Abigail Fierce

Hi! My name’s Abigail Fierce. I’m an indie pop-rock singer-songwriter based out of Los Angeles. I moved to LA when I was a teenager to pursue an acting career – I played Wendy on the Hulu series “Love, Victor” and I’ve been on NBC’s “This Is Us,” Netflix’s “American Vandal” and the Paramount+ movie “Fantasy Football”, produced by LeBron James. My music is kind of like Alanis Morissette & Courtney Love mixed with Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. My music often explores LGBTQ+ and mental health themes, and my latest song, “Daphne,” is a sapphic love rock song. It landed on Spotify’s “All New Rock” editorial playlist, and I’m really proud of all the press it received.

Tell us a little about your musical background; how old were you when you started playing guitar, and what inspired your musical desire?

Music was not a thing in our house. (My brother literally claims to “not like music”…who
doesn’t like music???) Miley Cyrus, as Hannah Montana, introduced me to it when I was a kid, and then I started listening to everything I could get my hands on, from folk to grunge and alternative rock. I remember I found a bunch of early ‘00s CDs in a box by a dumpster, and it was one of the highlights of my young life, haha.

I had to beg my parents to buy me my first guitar, and when they finally did, it quickly became the sound they’d hear for up to six hours every day. I was 12/13.

Photo credit Krista Kay

Where do you find the inspiration for your music?

Everywhere and anywhere. My life AND what I wish would happen in my life.

What is your songwriting process?

It’s different for every song, so I mostly just focus on trying to stay inspired. Usually, for me, it starts with the words. Sometimes, I’ll just write pages of lyrics before deciding where to put them and how to shape the story together. Sometimes, it starts while I’m just playing my guitar, and suddenly, I’ll hear a melody over the chords I’m playing. In that case, I usually just sing gibberish until something clicks…or pour over the million notebooks of my lyrics I have lying around my house.

What’s your go-to guitar for songwriting?

My Martin x1AE has been my go-to for everything for a very long time; her name’s Alaska. But I just bought a big Martin dreadnought that sounds soooo beautiful….so we shall see if it takes over Alaska.

Music to me is…


Connect with Abigail Fierce

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/akfierce/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@akfierce

Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/abfierce

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/abigailfierce

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AbigailFierce/

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/24q2VAybFrs4Lzy0eEnXga

IMDb: https://www.imdb.me/abigail

Website: https://www.abigailfierce.com

All links & streaming platforms available here: https://linktr.ee/akfierce

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