Talented women leaders discuss life choices at the 8th Edition of the Dare-To-InspireMentoring Session

The 8th Edition of the ‘Dare-To-Inspire’ mentoring session, like the previous editions was certainly thought-provoking and highly informative. Young women in Nigeria and youth from various parts of the world gathered via a Live webinar for this empowering event on Saturday, 23rd March 2024. They had the opportunity to observe, interact and learn from outstanding women and industry professionals.

Dare-to-Inspire initiative is a leading not-for-profit organization focused on inspiring and
empowering young (Muslim) women in Nigeria and youth across the globe. The theme for the 8th Edition was “LIFE CHOICES AMIDST INSTABILITY” and it highlighted today’s dynamic world which is coupled with complex web of factors that is suited for those who can swiftly adapt to the ever-shifting terrain and swim in the current tides of uncertainties. The speakers shared important messages about embracing the critical reality of instability and wisdom in making life choices. Like the previous editions, this event was packed with lots of motivational and inspirational moments. As an annual knowledge exchange and mentorship event between present and emerging leaders, the event had in attendance leading experts and professionals such as Aminat Ige-Ariyibi, Award Winning Academic and Socialprenuer, Sherifah Yunus Olokodana, Culinary Artist and Founder of Sherry’s Mama’s Delight (SMD). Meimuna Abdikheyr, Public Finance and Money Management Expert, (Kenya) and Sherifat Olaogun, Coach, Public Speaker and Author, Gift to Business (Canada).

The convener of the event Bunmi Ghiazat Adebimpe, who is a professional coach, holistic counseling therapist and visual creative, while giving her inspiring opening speech noted that making life-time decisions can be a difficult responsibility with long term implications as it requires one to have the knowledge and spiritual nourishment to face the peculiar challenges of today’s current global instability.

The first speaker, Aminat Ige-Ariyibi, speaking on the topic “turning lemon to lemonades: succeeding in the midst of adversity” highlighted the importance of putting up a smile, having support system and the power of optimism and positivity. She emphasized that having this mindset propels one to reach out for the silver lining whilst turning challenges into opportunities in the present life of uncertainties.

Meimuna Abdikheyr in delivering her topic titled “Money management in a high inflationary environment” discussed the importance of getting the right skills that are relevant for the present economic requirements, especially for young women and youth that are seeking active employment. She advised the young women on making appropriate money decisions as well as having halal investments and multiple sources of income, giving to charity, saving for emergencies and most of all to trust God for provision.

Sherifat Olaogun’s speech titled “Leveraging technology for growth” focused on the intentionality in making the best use of technology to create awareness in present times. She emphasized the significance of making well-informed and timely decisions when it comes to using technology to provide solutions as it relates to personal and professional growth and development. She also shared invaluable lessons learnt from her personal journey and encouraged participants to embrace instability and provide value as well as work towards feasible, structured plans to forge ahead.

The final speaker, Sherifah Yunus Olokodana, delved into the topic: “Overcoming the stereotypes and building your brand as a Muslim woman”. She explained that following the rules of Islam and thriving on consistency while building a brand are significant factors for growth and fulfillment. Through sharing numerous personal stories, she encouraged the audience to leverage Islamic values and traditions to build confidence instead of seeing it as a hindrance. She advised the young women to strive at being the best in their work and learn to pursue adequate knowledge in order to succeed.

The event came to an end with a closing remark from Lola Yunus, a personal development strategist and coach. She applauded the consistency of the DTI sessions and expressed delight for the onward movement for women and youth in having these productive conversations. She highlighted the key messages and inspired the audience to focus on the lessons learnt and navigate life more confidently.

The event is in partnership with Superheads International Limited, Laroche Foundation, VPcube Studios, The Accubin, Impreme Studios, Fesoda Integrated Services, Nnitiwe Tech Ltd, The MPower Circle, Mustaeina TV, Bedouin, Four23 Photography, Rubbin Minds, The Umm Fariha Network, Waqhill Associates, HalTV, KYBevents, DeenTalks Nigeria, Hadiya Home&Lifestyle and ARABEL Exclusive Islamic Materials Ltd.

Official media partner is YNaija

The official hashtag for the 8th edition is #DTI8.0


DARETOINSPIRE® (DTI), is a not-for-profit initiative that aims to empower, enlighten and elevate young (Muslim) women and youth across the globe. DTI’s key mission is to invest and influence their positivity towards life, improve their self-confidence and strengthen their self-worth which ultimately helps to engender growth, create equal opportunities and enhance global economic development.

The FREE annual DTI Mentoring Session brings together successful business leaders, leading industry experts and women role models to inspire and share their experiences, success stories and to discuss other contemporary topics affecting today’s young women and youth globally.

Ayomitide Adeyinka

Ayomitide Adeyinka is a content writer, crypto journalist and editor with a Bsc in Political Science. He is also an egalitarian.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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