Tanja Szewczenko: “It's worth fighting”

It has been a year since ex- “Alles was geht” -Star Tanja Szewczenko ( 44) a dream came true that she had actually already given up. “On October 4th, 2020, I held a positive pregnancy test in my hands for the sixth time in my life!” the 44-year-old, who is also the mother of a ten-year-old daughter, recalls in an Instagram post.

A few months ago Tanja Szewczenko’s family of three became a five-member. In the video above you can see the first photo taken together with all the children.

Tanja Szewczenko suffered “umpteen setbacks” on the way to motherhood

At this point in time you no longer expected that this would happen again. “43 years old. 5 years of desire for children. Several miscarriages after artificial insemination. Natural conception according to doctors and diagnosis – antibodies on my husband’s sperm – not possible!”

Her husband Norman had successfully undergone therapy because of this. “But if you – in addition to the artificial experiments – try a good 60 months and several cycles to get pregnant, have to cope with umpteen setbacks, then you no longer really believe in the miracle of becoming pregnant the natural way …”

I had the pregnancy test, which was supposed to confirm her dream a year ago she only made it back then to protect herself from false hopes, she reveals.

But then the big surprise – the pregnancy test left no doubt: “You no longer had to search or hold the test up to the light to hope for a shadow to be found on the white stripe that announces the good news. No, that was a fat POSITIVE “, remembers Szewczenko.

And then the big surprise followed later: “I would never have thought that two crumbs could be responsible for the second line on my test!” emphasizes the happy mother.

Tanja Szewczenko wants to give other women hope: “It’s worth fighting”

That they triple their numerous setbacks on the way Making mother’s happiness public has a good reason. Tanja Szewczenko would like to support other women with an unfulfilled desire to have children who, like her, have to cope with severe setbacks.

“I hope that with this I can give hope and courage to very, very many girls out there that it is worth struggling, persevering, taking different paths and the desire to simply follow, “she explains in an Instagram story with one of her sons, whom she affectionately calls” cookies “, on her lap.

” I’ve fallen a lot in the last five years and got up again and again, which was often not that easy of course, but somehow giving up wasn’t an option, “she emphasizes. She also wants to record her experiences in a book.

Her twin boys were born as premature babies, but Tanja Szewczenko was already able to report good news from the clinic. You can find out more in the video below.

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